
另一件,不用多說,當然是李安導演拿下奧斯卡最佳導演獎。台灣人的驕傲阿!!光看領獎的短片段聽到and the Oscar goes to...ANG LEE!!!我都快掉淚了~這要是在電視前看直撥,我一定會尖叫然後眼淚真的掉下來。光榮~真光榮!與有榮焉呀~今天在學校連走路都有風~對呀~我是台灣人,台灣人出了大導演,大導演剛拿下奧斯卡。後~明天真想跟同學炫耀去!:D 真是讓人high翻天阿!至於沒拿到最佳影片,就當作未來的目標囉~沒得獎的因素有很多種,現在再去想也沒有用,畢竟運氣本來就是實力的一部份,只要盡力,大家都會肯定你的成就。何況斷背山已經幾乎囊括今年度各項電影獎座,現在何不好好分享他的榮耀?至於偷跑走的oscar best picture,十年以後大家會記得的是"crash"(我到現在還是記不下來他的中文片名)or Brokeback Mountain(斷背山!)? 歷史會有公斷的~

以下片段取自LA TIMES (自己人都看不下去了)
I don't care how much trouble "Crash" had getting financing or getting people on board, the reality of this film, the reason it won the best picture Oscar, is that it is, at its core, a standard Hollywood movie, as manipulative and unrealistic as the day is long. And something more.

For "Crash's" biggest asset is its ability to give people a carload of those standard Hollywood satisfactions but make them think they are seeing something groundbreaking and daring. It is, in some ways, a feel-good film about racism, a film you could see and feel like a better person, a film that could make you believe that you had done your moral duty and examined your soul when in fact you were just getting your buttons pushed and your preconceptions reconfirmed.

So for people who were discomfited by "Brokeback Mountain" but wanted to be able to look themselves in the mirror and feel like they were good, productive liberals, "Crash" provided the perfect safe harbor. They could vote for it in good conscience, vote for it and feel they had made a progressive move, vote for it and not feel that there was any stain on their liberal credentials for shunning what "Brokeback" had to offer. And that's exactly what they did.

"Brokeback," it is worth noting, was in some ways the tamest of the discomforting films available to Oscar voters in various categories. Steven Spielberg's "Munich"; the Palestinian Territories' "Paradise Now," one of the best foreign language nominees; and the documentary nominee "Darwin's Nightmare" offered scenarios that truly shook up people's normal ways of seeing the world. None of them won a thing.

Hollywood, of course, is under no obligation to be a progressive force in the world. It is in the business of entertainment, in the business of making the most dollars it can. Yes, on Oscar night, it likes to pat itself on the back for the good it does in the world, but as Sunday night's ceremony proved, it is easier to congratulate yourself for a job well done in the past than actually do that job in the present.

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