Because you need to control urself for not killing her...
However, it's painful when THAT idiot is the head of your section.
Because you need to pretend nice and polite...and still, you can't kill her~

I still can't get why the head of the sales Dep. always tries HER BEST to find the excuse, no matter it's stupid, rediculous, unbelievable or whatever for the RD and factory side.
When the RDs make new product( there will be a miracle...) we do our best to promote it.
After we get the order or even receive the payment, we are informed that the product isn't available and will be cancelled due to some stupid reasons. And WE need to explain it to the customers. Do they know the word QUALITY? MERDE!

We can't have 2 Polish version just becuase the factory MAY install the wrong version for different customers. Can anyone tell me if they have a brain? Do they know what QC is? Can't this problem be prevented or solved?
No No No, my dear. Everything is impossible because that may happen!!

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